Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes

WP2:Â Above ground biodiversity & natural pest control across spatial scales
Field- and landscape scale heterogeneity increase above-ground biodiversity and pest control services in vineyards
Negative effects of high-intensity pesticide use and intensive ground cover management on natural enemies and pest control services can be mitigated by landscape heterogeneity
Management options that benefit natural pest control services and vineyard profitability also have positive effects on biodiversity conservation
T2.1 Harmonisation of a hierarchical multiscale study design
Lead: Adrien Rusch (INRA)
T2.2 Survey of pests and pest control potential
Lead: Adrien Rusch (INRA) & Christoph Hoffmann (JKI)
T. 2.3 Survey of natural enemy communities
Lead: Martin Entling (UKL)
T2.4 Indicators of biodiversity and conservation value
Lead: Martin Entling (UKL) & Silvia Winter (BOKU)
T2.5 Estimation of grape yield and quality
Lead: Christoph Hoffmann (JKI)